Facilitating Development of Multiple-Species Conservation Reserves and Habitat Conservation Plans: A Synthesis of Recommendations MICHAEL L. MORRISON Pages: S3 - S6
The Selection and Design of Multiple-Species Habitat Preserves THOMAS A. SCOTTJAMES E. SULLIVAN Pages: S37 - S53
Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Planning: Goals and Strategies of Local Governments BRIAN LOEW Pages: S15 - S21
Conservation and Management for Multiple Species: Integrating Field Research and Modeling into Management Decisions H. REŞIT AKÇAKAYA Pages: S75 - S83
Arthropods and Multispecies Habitat Conservation Plans: Are We Missing Something? RICHARD A. REDAK Pages: S97 - S107
A Crosswalk from the Endangered Species Act to the HCP Handbook and Real HCPs K. SHAWN SMALLWOOD Pages: S23 - S35
Habitat Conservation Plans Under the U.S. Endangered Species Act: The Legal Perspective DAVID E. MOSER Pages: S7 - S13
Ecological Restoration of Coastal Sage Scrub and Its Potential Role in Habitat Conservation Plans PETER A. BOWLER Pages: S85 - S96