Formulating an ecosystem approach to environmental protection Otto J. Gonzalez Forum Pages: 597 - 605
Environmental assessment of packaging: The consumer point of view Ynte K. Van Dam Forum Pages: 607 - 614
Political benefits as barriers to assessment of environmental costs in Brazil's Amazonian development planning: The example of the Jatapu Dam in Roraima Philip M. FearnsideReinaldo Imbrozio Barbosa Profile Pages: 615 - 630
The Cotingo Dam as a test of Brazil's system for evaluating proposed developments in Amazonia Philip M. FearnsideReinaldo Imbrozio Barbosa Profile Pages: 631 - 648
Issues, impacts, and implications of shrimp aquaculture in Thailand Forrest E. DierbergWoraphan Kiattisimkul Profile Pages: 649 - 666
Why ecosystem management can't work without Social science: An example from the California northern spotted owl controversy Emery Roe Profile Pages: 667 - 674
Neighborhood effects in bird distributions, Navarre, Spain Yue-Hong ChouSamuel Soret Research Pages: 675 - 687
Relations of fish community composition to environmental variables in streams of central Nebraska, USA Steven A. FrenzelRobert B. Swanson Research Pages: 689 - 705
Angler survey contributes to socially acceptable modification of harvest regulations to preserve cutthroat trout fishery in Snake River, Wyoming, USA Wayne A. HubertRobert D. Gipson Research Pages: 707 - 713
Simulating secondary succession of elk forage values in a managed forest landscape, western Washington Kurt JenkinsEdward Starkey Research Pages: 715 - 724
Toxic releases from paper made with recovered wastepaper versus virgin wood fiber: A research note Daniel Press Research Pages: 725 - 730
Role of wetlands in reducing phosphorus loading to surface water in eight watersheds in the Lake Champlain Basin Christine M. WellerMary C. WatzinDeane Wang Research Pages: 731 - 739
Review and comparison of wetland impacts and mitigation requirements between New Jersey, USA, Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act Laurance S. TorokSusan LockwoodDave Fanz Environmental Auditing Pages: 741 - 752
Exploring environmental effects of accidents during marine transport of dangerous goods by use of accident descriptions Hans RømerPalle HaastrupH. J. Styhr Petersen Environmental Auditing Pages: 753 - 766
Including past and present impacts in cumulative impact assessments Lance N. McColdJames W. Saulsbury Environmental Auditing Pages: 767 - 776
Aquatic biodiversity and the electric utility industry Larry L. OlmstedJohn W. Bolin OriginalPaper Pages: 805 - 814