Global sustainability: Toward definition Becky J. BrownMark E. HansonRobert W. Merideth Jr. Forum Pages: 713 - 719
Urban air pollution and atmospheric diffusion research in China Datong NingJoseph B. WhitneyDavid Yap Profile Pages: 721 - 728
Solid Waste Management Practices in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia Hasin U. KhanTahir HusainSuhail M. Khan Profile Pages: 729 - 734
Liquid household hazardous wastes in the United States: Identification, disposal, and management plan David K. RobertsonJude AkaghaBarry Vroeginday Profile Pages: 735 - 742
Ecological effects of coastal marsh impoundments: A review Clay L. MontagueAlexander V. ZaleH. Franklin Percival Profile Pages: 743 - 756
Basic hydrologic studies for assessing impacts of flow diversions on riparian vegetation: Examples from streams of the eastern Sierra Nevada, California, USA G. Mathias KondolfJ. Warren WebbThomas Felando Profile Pages: 757 - 769
Phalaris arundinacea L. (Reed canary grass—Gramineae) as a hydrophyte in Essex, Connecticut, USA Michael Wm. Lefor Profile Pages: 771 - 773
Groundwater mapping: An analysis of the United States Hydrological Investigation Atlas Series Ute Dymon Research Pages: 775 - 792
Reducing groundwater pollution by toxic substances: Procedures and policies Marvin Waterstone Research Pages: 793 - 804
Biogeochemical cycling of selenium in the San Joaquin Valley, California, USA Theresa S. PresserHarry M. Ohlendorf Research Pages: 805 - 821
Backfilling canals to mitigate Wetland dredging in Louisiana coastal marshes Christopher NeillR. Eugene Turner Research Pages: 823 - 836
Biomass and nutrient removals from commercial thinning and whole-tree clearcutting of central hardwoods Erratum Pages: II - II