Public concerns and the public role in siting nuclear and chemical waste facilities Branden B. Johnson Forum Pages: 571 - 586
Stream corridor management in the Pacific Northwest: I. Determination of stream-corridor widths William W. BuddPaul L. CohenFrederick R. Steiner Profile Pages: 587 - 597
Stream corridor management in the Pacific Northwest: II. Management strategies Paul L. CohenPaul R. SaundersFrederick R. Steiner Profile Pages: 599 - 605
The reversible process concept applied to the environmental management of large river systems Claude AmorosJean -Claude RostanJean -Paul Bravard Profile Pages: 607 - 617
Coupling ecosystem science with management: A Great Lakes perspective from Green Bay, Lake Michigan, USA Hallett J. HarrisPaul E. SagerC. Jarrell Yarbrough Profile Pages: 619 - 625
Climate and the eastern repository: A comparative study Patrick J. MichaelsPhilip J. StengerDavid E. Sappington Profile Pages: 627 - 636
Management strategy for acidic deposition in Western and Northern Canada H. S. SandhuR. G. Wilson Profile Pages: 637 - 640
Use of fertilization and grazing exclusion in mitigating lost meadow production in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA John G. KieStephen A. Myler Research Pages: 641 - 648
Wetland development trends in coastal North Carolina, USA, from 1970 to 1984 Margie B. StocktonCurtis J. Richardson Research Pages: 649 - 657
Biomass and nutrient removals from commercial thinning and whole-tree clearcutting of central hardwoods Louise M. TrittonC. Wayne MartinRobert S. Pierce Research Pages: 659 - 666
Development of synthetic criteria for the ecological evaluation of woodlots and woodlot units GĂ©rald DomonYves Bergeron Research Pages: 667 - 673
Evaluation of methods for determining adverse impacts of air pollution on terrestrial ecosystems Lorene L. SigalGlenn W. Suter II Research Pages: 675 - 694
The use of Landsat multispectral scanner data for the analysis and management of flooding on the river Severn, England Antony G. BrownKeneth J. GregoryEdward J. Milton Research Pages: 695 - 701