Estrogens and Estrogen Receptors: New Actors in the Plot of Transcriptional Regulation of Genomic Responses S. MigliaccioM. Marino Pages: 181 - 182
A Case for Estrogen Receptors on Cell Membranes and Nongenomic Actions of Estrogen D.G. MonroeT.C. Spelsberg Pages: 183 - 184
Bone Marker Alterations in Patients with Type 1 Gaucher Disease G. CianaC. MartiniB. Bembi Pages: 185 - 189
The Ratio of Osteocytic Incorporation to Bone Matrix Formation in Femoral Neck Cancellous Bone: An Enhanced Osteoblast Work Rate in the Vicinity of Hip Osteoarthritis G.R. JordanN. LoveridgeJ. Reeve Pages: 190 - 196
The Integrin {alpha}v{beta}3 and CD44 Regulate the Actions of Osteopontin on Osteoclast Motility M.A. ChellaiahK.A. Hruska Pages: 197 - 205
Interstitial Collagenase Activity Stimulates the Formation of Actin Rings and Ruffled Membranes in Mouse Marrow Osteoclasts L.S. HollidayH.G. WelgusS.L. Gluck Pages: 206 - 214
Modulation of Cytosolic Calcium Levels in Osteoblast-like Osteosarcoma Cells by Olpadronate and its Amino-Derivative IG-9402 G. VazquezG. SantillanA. PĂ©rez-Lloret Pages: 215 - 221
Aquaporin Expression in Developing Human Teeth and Selected Orofacial Tissues W. WangP.S. HartT.C. Hart Pages: 222 - 227
Alendronate and Etidronate do not Regulate Interleukin 6 and 11 Synthesis in Normal Human Osteoblasts in Culture E. EngelS. SerranoJ. Carbonell Pages: 228 - 235
Effect of Fluoride Pretreatment on the Solubility of Synthetic Carbonated Apatite A.B. BarryH. ZhuangW.I. Higuchi Pages: 236 - 242
TPD-TG-MS Study of Carbonate Calcium Hydroxyapatite Particles A. YasukawaK. KandoriT. Ishikawa Pages: 243 - 250