Bone Mass in Obese Diabetic Zucker Rats: Influence of Treadmill Running J. MatheyM.-N. Horcajada-MolteniJ.-P. Barlet OriginalPaper 15 February 2002 Pages: 305 - 311
The Blood Supply of the Growth Plate and the Epiphysis: A Comparative Scanning Electron Microscopy and Histological Experimental Study in Growing Sheep T. WirthM.M. Syed AliS. Syed Ali OriginalPaper 18 February 2002 Pages: 312 - 319
Suppression of Prostaglandin Synthesis with NS-398 Has Different Effects on Endocortical and Periosteal Bone Formation Induced by Mechanical Loading J. LiD.B. BurrC.H. Turner OriginalPaper 26 March 2002 Pages: 320 - 329
Activin A Increases the Bone Mass of Grafted Bone in C3H/HeJ Mice H. HirotaniM. Ohtsuka-IsoyaH. Shinoda OriginalPaper 03 April 2002 Pages: 330 - 338
A Role for Cell-Surface CSF-1 in Osteoblast-mediated Osteoclastogenesis G.-Q. YaoB. H. SunK.L. Insogna OriginalPaper 03 April 2002 Pages: 339 - 346