Risk for osteoporosis in black women J. F. AloiaA. VaswaniE. Flaster Clinical Investigations Pages: 415 - 423
Plasma osteocalcin in healthy Nigerian children and in children with calcium-deficiency rickets L. M. OginniM. WorsfoldM. W. J. Davie Clinical Investigations Pages: 424 - 427
Weight, body composition, and bone density in postmenopausal women S. S. HarrisB. Dawson-Hughes Clinical Investigations Pages: 428 - 432
Increased risk of tooth loss is related to bone loss at the whole body, hip, and spine E. A. KrallR. I. GarciaB. Dawson-Hughes Clinical Investigations Pages: 433 - 437
Total and regional bone mass in female soccer players H. AlfredsonP. NordströmR. Lorentzon Clinical Investigations Pages: 438 - 442
Site-specific bone mass differences of the lower extremities in 17-year-old ice hockey players P. NordströmR. Lorentzon Clinical Investigations Pages: 443 - 448
Calcium kinetics in glycogen storage disease type 1a R. E. GoansG. H. WeissA. L. Yergey Clinical Investigations Pages: 449 - 453
Sexual differences in bone markers and bone mineral density of normal Chinese K. S. TsaiW. H. PanS. T. Twu Clinical Investigations Pages: 454 - 460
Comparison between menopause-related changes in bone mineral density of the lumbar spine and the proximal femur in Japanese female athletes: A long-term longitudinal study using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry S. GotoH. ShigetaM. Yamagata Clinical Investigations Pages: 461 - 465
Vitamin K2 promotes 1α,25(OH)2 vitamin D3-induced mineralization in human periosteal osteoblasts Y. KoshiharaK. HoshiM. Shiraki Laboratory Investigations Pages: 466 - 473
Visualization of crystal-matrix structure. In situ demineralization of mineralized turkey leg tendon and bone K. S. ProstakS. Lees Laboratory Investigations Pages: 474 - 479
FTIR microspectroscopic analysis of human osteonal bone E. P. PaschalisE. DiCarloA. L. Boskey Laboratory Investigations Pages: 480 - 487
Lack of In vitro evidence for storage of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25(OH)2D3) and 1,25(OH)2D3 binding protein in skeletal matrix S. BoonenJ. AerssensR. Bouillon Laboratory Investigations Pages: 488 - 491
Insulin increases histomorphometric indices of bone formation In vivo J. CornishK. E. CallonI. R. Reid Laboratory Investigations Pages: 492 - 495
Ipriflavone does not alter bone apatite crystal structure in adult male rats C. GhezzoR. CivitelliS. Bongrani Laboratory Investigations Pages: 496 - 499
Continuous mechanical loading alters properties of mechanosensitive channels in G292 osteoblastic cells R. M. DavidsonP. A. LingenbrinkL. A. Norton Laboratory Investigations Pages: 500 - 504
Mitogenic action of hydrochlorothiazide on human osteoblasts In vitro: Requirement for platelet-derived growth factor K. -H. W. LauX. D. SongJ. E. Wergedal Laboratory Investigations Pages: 505 - 510