Behavioural effects of a prolonged treatment with small doses of morphine in cats B. DjahanguiriM. RichelleO. Fontaine Original Investigations Pages: 363 - 372
CO2-induced retrograde amnesia in a one-trial learning situation Robert I. TaberAli Banuazizi Original Investigations Pages: 382 - 391
Drug, doctor's verbal attitude and clinic setting in the symptomatic response to pharmacotherapy E. H. UhlenhuthKarl RickelsJohn Mock Original Investigations Pages: 392 - 418
The effects of different doses of methylpentynol on escape/avoidance conditioning in two strains of rats selectively bred for high and low “emotionality” H. C. HollandB. D. Gupta Original Investigations Pages: 419 - 425
Effect of tricyanoaminopropene on the amnesic effect of electroconvulsive shock Walter B. Essman Original Investigations Pages: 426 - 433
Structure-activity relationship studies on mescaline: II. Tolerance and Cross-tolerance between mescaline and its analogues in the rat J. R. SmythiesE. A. SykesC. P. Lord Original Investigations Pages: 434 - 446
Changes in behavior and electrocortical activity in the monkey following administration of 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) Frank J. MacchitelliDonald FischettiNicholas Montanarelli Jr. Original Investigations Pages: 447 - 456
Continuous temporal evaluation of the effect of meprobamate on critical flicker frequency in normal subjects Henryk MisiakRobert ZenhausernW. Ronald Salafia Short Communications Pages: 457 - 461