The effects of dl-amphetamine and reserpine on runway performance Nils James CarlsonGerald A. DoyleT. George Bidder Original Investigations Pages: 157 - 173
Social influences on the response to drugs Arthur L. McDonaldNorman W. Heimstra Original Investigations Pages: 174 - 180
Beta-phenylisopropylhydrazine (JB-516) on septal hyperirritability and brain amine levels in the rat James H. PirchStata Norton Original Investigations Pages: 181 - 190
On the role of rate of brain norepinephrine release in the antibenzoquinolizine action of desipramine F. SulserF. Soroko Original Investigations Pages: 191 - 200
Untersuchungen über mögliche Zusammenhänge zwischen Metabolitenausscheidung und Krankheitsverlauf depressiver Zustände unter Imipramin-Medikation R. Kuhn Originalarbeiten Pages: 201 - 222
A new butyrophenone in the treatment of chronic schizophrenia George M. SimpsonEsther KunzT. P. S. Watts Clinical Reports Pages: 223 - 226
The effect of strychnine sulphate on the home cage activity and oxygen consumption in three inbred strains of mice William H. Calhoun Short Communications Pages: 227 - 234