Rapid tolerance to the motor effects of p-chloroamphetamine in rats M. K. El-YousefL. SterankaE. Sanders-Bush OriginalPaper Pages: 109 - 114
Dopaminergic agonist properties of ephedrine-theoretical implications Burton AngristJohn RotrosenSamuel Gershon OriginalPaper Pages: 115 - 120
Viloxazine, sleep, and subjective feelings Vlasta BřezinováKirstine AdamJoan Thomson OriginalPaper Pages: 121 - 128
Open-field behavior after intravenous amphetamine analogues in rats Mats P. LindquistK. Gunnar Götestam OriginalPaper Pages: 129 - 133
Effets de lésions de l'hypothalamus et du globus pallidus et d'injections d'apomorphine dans le globus pallidus, le noyau caudé, la substantia nigra et le septum sur le 〈comportement d'agressivité induit par l'apomorphine〉 chez le rat B. Senault OriginalPaper Pages: 135 - 140
Retrieval failures in alcohol state-dependent learning Ronald C. Petersen OriginalPaper Pages: 141 - 146
6-Hydroxydopamine inhibits some effects of mescaline centrally administered to rabbits S. FerriR. Arrigo ReinaP. Braga OriginalPaper Pages: 147 - 149
Acetylcholine antirelease effect of morphine and its modification by calcium G. SanfaçonG. Labrecque OriginalPaper Pages: 151 - 156
Penfluridol: An open phase III study in acute newly admitted hospitalized schizophrenic patients Baron ShopsinHelmfried KleinGerard Selzer OriginalPaper Pages: 157 - 164
Psychopharmacological and endocrinological effects of melanocyte stimulating hormones in normal man Heather AshtonJ. E. MillmanAbba J. Kastin OriginalPaper Pages: 165 - 172
Blockage of progesterone-induced release of luteinizing hormone and prolactin byd-amphetamine and fenfluramine in rats A. O. Donoso OriginalPaper Pages: 173 - 176
Time-dependent disruptive effects of apomorphine and alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine on development of morphine tolerance Raymond P. KesnerDee J. PrianoTimothy Gold OriginalPaper Pages: 177 - 181
Lesions of the dorsal noradrenergic projection attenuate morphine- but not amphetamine-induced conditioned taste aversion D. C. S. RobertsH. C. Fibiger OriginalPaper Pages: 183 - 186
Involvement of both cholinergic and catecholaminergic pathways in the central action of methylphenidate: A study utilizing lead-exposed rats Tsung-Ming ShihZaven S. KhachaturianIsrael Hanin OriginalPaper Pages: 187 - 193
Effects of chlordiazepoxide, oxazepam, chlorpromazine, andd-Amphetamine on sexual responses in male and female hamsters Carol Sue CarterRobert F. DailyRussell Leaf OriginalPaper Pages: 195 - 201