A comparative study of haloperidol and chlorpromazine in terms of clinical effects and therapeutic reversal with benztropine in schizophrenia. Theoretical implications for potency differences among neuroleptics Man Mohan SinghStanley R. Kay Original Investigations Pages: 103 - 113
A longitudinal therapeutic comparison between two prototypic neuroleptics (haloperidol and chlorpromazine) in matched groups of schizophrenics. Nontherapeutic interactions with trihexyphenidyl. Theoretical implications for potency differences Man Mohan SinghStanley R. Kay OriginalPaper Pages: 115 - 123
On the significance of the increase in homovanillic acid (HVA) caused by antipsychotic drugs in corpus striatum and limbic forebrain R. J. StawarzH. HillF. Sulser OriginalPaper Pages: 125 - 130
Neurochemical evidence for tryptaminergic ascending and descending pathways in the spinal cord of the dog W. R. MartinJ. W. SloanT. H. Clements OriginalPaper Pages: 131 - 134
Monkey motor stimulation and altered social behavior during chronic methadone administration Thomas J. CrowleyMarilyn HydingerAlan Feiger OriginalPaper Pages: 135 - 144
Kontrollierte Prüfung des Einflusses von Neoston® auf das Regelleistungsverhalten, auf die Herzfrequenz und Sinusarrhythmie und auf das subjektive Befinden gesunder Versuchspersonen in Tracking-Tests Helmut Strasser OriginalPaper Pages: 145 - 156
Conditioned aversion by amphetamine: Rates of acquisition and loss of the attenuating effects of prior exposure Howard CappellA. E. Le Blanc OriginalPaper Pages: 157 - 162
The effects of methylphenidate and haloperidol on the heart rate and blood pressure of hyperactive children with special reference to time of action M. G. AmanJ. S. Werry OriginalPaper Pages: 163 - 168
Cholinergic modulation of an opposed effect of d-amphetamine and methylphenidate on the rearing response Karen Smith BryanGaylord Ellison OriginalPaper Pages: 169 - 173
Colour preferences in the pigeon: A behavioural and psychopharmacological study A. SahgalS. D. Iversen OriginalPaper Pages: 175 - 179
Effects of personal interactions and setting on subjective drug responses in small groups Jean SicéH. D. LevineCharles A. Haertzen OriginalPaper Pages: 181 - 186
The actions of flunitrazepam (Rohypnol®) on heart and respiratory rates and skin potential fluctuations during the sleep cycle in normal volunteers and neurotic patients with insomnia Jaime M. MontiHumberto AltierJuan L. Gil Short Reports Pages: 187 - 190
Effects and plasma levels of N-desmethyldiazepam after oral administration in normal volunteers Haim H. Dasberg OriginalPaper Pages: 191 - 198