Discriminative response control produced with hashish, tetrahydrocannabinols (δ8-THC and δ9-THC), and other drugs Torbjörn U. C. JÄrbeBengt G. Henriksson OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 16
The antiaggressive effects of lithium in man Richard I. ShaderAnthony H. JacksonLance M. Dodes OriginalPaper Pages: 17 - 24
Effects on the acquisition of conditioned avoidance responses and seizure threshold in the offspring of amphetamine treated gravid rats Antonia G. NaselloCarlos A. AstradaOscar A. Ramirez OriginalPaper Pages: 25 - 31
Alcohol and information processing K. Van Tharp Jr.O. H. Rundell Jr.Harold L. Williams OriginalPaper Pages: 33 - 52
Effect of iprindole on norepinephrine turnover and transport Barry N. RosloffJohn M. Davis OriginalPaper Pages: 53 - 64
Regulation of the self-administration of marihuana by psychological and pharmacological variables Howard CappellPatricia Pliner OriginalPaper Pages: 65 - 76
Pentylenetetrazol-induced retrograde amnesia and brain seizures in mice Roderick van BuskirkJames L. McGaugh OriginalPaper Pages: 77 - 90
The role of sex and novelty in determining the social response to lithium chloride Lesley A. SymeG. J. Syme OriginalPaper Pages: 91 - 99