Intraspecies aggression in rats: Effects of d-amphetamine and chlordiazepoxide Klaus A. Miczek Original Investigations Pages: 275 - 301
Methamphetamine's effect on repeated acquisitions with serial discrimination reversals William H. CalhounElisabeth A. Jones OriginalPaper Pages: 303 - 308
Action of a new psychotropic drug (Sulpiride) on avoidance behavior in rats O. FontainePh. LibonM. Richelle OriginalPaper Pages: 309 - 314
Influence of midbrain raphe lesion on some pharmacological and biochemical effects of apomorphine in rats Maria Grabowska OriginalPaper Pages: 315 - 322
Behavioural effect of intraventricular application of methoxy-indolealkylamines in the rat I. NirC. P. WellerF. G. Sulman OriginalPaper Pages: 323 - 329
The effects of l-Dopa, clonidine, and apomorphine on the acoustic startle reaction in rats Laurence D. Fechter OriginalPaper Pages: 331 - 344
The role of forebrain dopamine systems in amphetamine induced stereotyped behavior in the rat Ian CreeseSusan D. Iversen OriginalPaper Pages: 345 - 357