The demonstration of tryptamine in regional perfusates of the dog brain W. R. MartinJ. W. SloanS. R. Bridges Original Investigations Pages: 189 - 198
The effects of d-amphetamine on the inter-response times of rats and guinea-pigs on a modified Sidman discriminated avoidance schedule J. M. BeatonA. E. LeBlancC. D. Webster OriginalPaper Pages: 199 - 203
Etude du sommeil du raton nouveau-né isolé de sa mère effets de l'alpha-methyl-Dopa E. CarlierT. NowaczykP. Juvancz OriginalPaper Pages: 205 - 215
Facilitation de réactions nociceptives par la naloxone chez la souris et chez le rat Joseph J. JacobEvelyne C. TremblayMarie-Claude Colombel OriginalPaper Pages: 217 - 223
Crude marihuana extract: EEG and behavioral effects of chronic oral administration in Rhesus monkeys Stanley W. StadnickiUlrich SchaeppiMonique C. Braude OriginalPaper Pages: 225 - 233
Effects of catecholamine-depleting drugs and amphetamine on self-stimulation of brain following various 6-hydroxydopamine treatments Barrett R. CooperJerry M. CottGeorge R. Breese OriginalPaper Pages: 235 - 248
The action of chlorpromazine on exploration in pairs of rats Sandra E. FileJ. H. Pope OriginalPaper Pages: 249 - 254
Anticonvulsant effects of cannabinoids in mice: Drug interactions within cannabinoids and cannabinoid interactions with phenytoin G. B. ChesherD. M. Jackson OriginalPaper Pages: 255 - 264
Imipramine side effects in children Kishore R. SarafDonald F. KleinStephen Groff OriginalPaper Pages: 265 - 274
Suppression by α-methyltyrosine of ethanol-induced locomotor stimulation: Partial reversal by l-Dopa J. EngelU. StrömbomB. Waldeck Short Reports Pages: 275 - 279