The spiral after effect (SAE) as a measure of motion sickness susceptibility and the effect on the SAE of an antimotion sickness drug and a central nervous system depressant T. CroucherI. Hindmarch OriginalPaper Pages: 215 - 222
A study of the clinical effects of phenelzine and placebo in the treatment of phobic anxiety Peter TyrerJulian CandyDesmond Kelly OriginalPaper Pages: 237 - 254
The effects of scopolamine on fixed-interval behaviour in the rat: A rate-dependency effect W. A. McKim OriginalPaper Pages: 255 - 264
Influence of amylobarbitone on operant depression and elation effects in the rat Andrew RidgersJeffrey A. Gray OriginalPaper Pages: 265 - 270
Influence of morphine on lateral hypothalamic self-stimulation in the rat Stanley A. LorensClifford L. Mitchell OriginalPaper Pages: 271 - 277
The possible role of metabolites in therapeutic response to chlorpromazine treatment G. SakalisT. L. ChanS. Park OriginalPaper Pages: 279 - 284
Drug enhanced sensory contingent bar pressing: Comparing the effect of contingent and noncontingent sensory change Peter H. GlowAlan Russell OriginalPaper Pages: 285 - 292
Le comportement social de jeu des chimpanzés en tant que test psychopharmacologique C. MilhaudM. KleinG. Chapouthier OriginalPaper Pages: 293 - 300
Effect of chronic lithium treatment on monoamine metabolism in rat brain Johan Schubert OriginalPaper Pages: 301 - 311