Opiate dependence produced by ad libitum drinking of morphine in water, saline, and sucrose vehicles Khalil A. KhavariMarc E. Risner OriginalPaper Pages: 291 - 302
The effects of chlorpromazine and d-amphetamine upon shock-elicited aggression D. A. PowellK. WaltersJ. R. Holley OriginalPaper Pages: 303 - 314
Acute effects of two tetrahydrocannabinols (Δ9-THC and Δ8-THC) on water intake in water deprived rats: Implications for behavioral studies on marijuana compounds Torbjörn U. C. JÄrbeBengt G. Henriksson OriginalPaper Pages: 315 - 322
Acute and chronic tolerance to nicotine measured by activity in rats I. P. StolermanR. FinkM. E. Jarvik OriginalPaper Pages: 329 - 342
Morphine dependence in rats with medial forebrain bundle lesions Stanley D. GlickArthur D. Charap OriginalPaper Pages: 343 - 348
Marijuana induced state-dependent verbal learning William H. Rickles Jr.Michael J. CohenKeren E. McIntyre OriginalPaper Pages: 349 - 354
The effect of α-amanitin on passive and active avoidance acquisition in mice P. D. ThutR. E. HruskaT. J. Lindell OriginalPaper Pages: 355 - 368
Effect of propranolol on free fatty acids of mice plasma during a passive avoidance test Haydée E. M. FabianElba ChemerinskiJuan A. Izquierdo OriginalPaper Pages: 369 - 374
Effects of methamphetamine and chlordiazepoxide on schedule-controlled and adjunctive licking in the rat James W. McKearney OriginalPaper Pages: 375 - 384