Klinisch-elektrencephalographische Untersuchungen mit „Verwirrtheit“ hervorrufenden Substanzen F. FlügelT. Itil Originalarbeiten Pages: 79 - 98
The effect of two temporal variables of avoidance conditioning on drug-behavior interaction Bernard M. BernsteinLewis P. Cancro Original Investigations Pages: 105 - 113
A propos d'une méthode d'investigation de substances susceptibles de modifier le comportement agressif inné du rat blanc vis-à-vis de la souris blanche Paul A. J. JanssenCarlos J. E. NiemegeersFrank J. Verbruggen Travaux Originaux Pages: 114 - 123
The effect of some centrally acting drugs on disjunctive reaction time Wayne O. EvansArthur Jewett Original Investigations Pages: 124 - 127
Proposal of a psychopharmacological test (“stimulation threshold”) for differentiating neurotic from psychotic depressions F. GibertiR. Rossi Short Communications Pages: 128 - 131
Differential responses based on the physiological consequences of pharmacological agents Jane Stewart Short Communications Pages: 132 - 138
Physical dependence and sustained opiate-directed behavior in the rat W. Marvin DavisJohn R. Nichols Short Communications Pages: 139 - 145
Papierchromatographische Untersuchungen des Harnes bei Schizophrenen und Geistesgesunden vor und nach Dopa-Verabreichung H. Lenz Kurze Originalmitteilungen Pages: 146 - 151
Méthodes chimiothérapiques en psychiatrie — Les nouveaux médicaments psychotropes E. Rothlin Literaturübersichten Bibliographies Pages: 151 - 152