Dopamine and noradrenaline receptor stimulation: Reversal of reserpine-induced suppression of motor activity Nils -Erik AndénUlf StrömbomTorgny H. Svensson OriginalPaper Pages: 289 - 298
CNS effects of propranolol in man Maressa Hecht OrzackRoland BranconnierGeorge Gardos OriginalPaper Pages: 299 - 306
Effects of stress and REM sleep deprivation on the patterns of avoidance learning and brain acetylcholine in the mouse Teresa SagalesEdward F. Domino OriginalPaper Pages: 307 - 315
Behavioural and pharmacological studies on morphine-induced excitation of rats. Possible relation to brain catecholamines I. H. AyhanA. Randrup OriginalPaper Pages: 317 - 328
The long-term effect of perphenazine enanthate on the rat brain. Some metabolic and anatomical observations H. PakkenbergR. FogB. Nilakantan OriginalPaper Pages: 329 - 336
Rigidity, hyperpyrexia and coma following fluphenazine enanthate H. Y. Meltzer OriginalPaper Pages: 337 - 346
5-Hydroxytryptamine supersensitivity as a new theory of headache and central pain: A clinical pharmacological approach with p-chlorophenylalanine F. SicuteriB. AnselmiP. L. Del Bianco OriginalPaper Pages: 347 - 356
Potentiation of the effects of chlorpromazine on exploration in the rat by a prior experience of the drug Sandra E. File OriginalPaper Pages: 357 - 363
The effects of a single administration of etifoxine on several psychological tests Gudrun SartoryJohn Rust OriginalPaper Pages: 365 - 384