Metabolites of monoamines in urine and cerebrospinal fluid, after large dose amphetamine administration B. AngristB. ShopsinS. Wilk OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 9
Changes in physical performance induced by amphetamine and amobarbital Gunnar BorgCarl-Gustaf EdströmGustaf Marklund OriginalPaper Pages: 10 - 18
Regulation of drug and water intake in rats dependent on morphine I. P. StolermanR. Kumar OriginalPaper Pages: 19 - 28
A correlative evaluation of cyclazocine, LSD and naloxone on continuous discriminated avoidance in rats Samuel R. Wray OriginalPaper Pages: 29 - 43
Effects of phencyclidine and stress on plasma creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and aldolase activities in man H. Y. MeltzerP. S. HolzmanA. Guschwan OriginalPaper Pages: 44 - 53
Action centrale de l'amphétamine, de l'éphédrine et de leur dérive p-hydroxylé, après lésion unilatérale du faisceau nigrostriatal chez le rat R. BouluJ. R. RapinC. Jacquot OriginalPaper Pages: 54 - 61
Effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on temporal and auditory discrimination performances of monkeys Timothy F. Elsmore OriginalPaper Pages: 62 - 72
Critical periods for drug administration effects in infancy Eugene F. GauronVinton N. Rowley OriginalPaper Pages: 73 - 78
Beta-adrenergic receptor involvement in the mediation of learned taste aversions Paul A. KralVincent V. St. Omer OriginalPaper Pages: 79 - 83
Increased sensitivity to neuroleptics in rats with lesions of the central nervous system A. Delini-Stula OriginalPaper Pages: 84 - 90