Psychotropic drug influences on brain acetylcholine utilization Edward F. DominoAnn E. Wilson Original Investigations Pages: 291 - 298
Alterations by centrally acting drugs of the suppression of self-stimulation behavior in the rat by tetrabenazine, physostigmine, chlorpromazine and pentobarbital M. E. Olds OriginalPaper Pages: 299 - 314
The anorectic effect of a long-acting preparation of phentermine (Duromine) Trevor Silverstone OriginalPaper Pages: 315 - 320
Permanent facilitation of avoidance behavior by d-amphetamine and scopolamine Robert J. BarrettNancy J. LeithOakley S. Ray OriginalPaper Pages: 321 - 331
Morphine dependence in rats: Secondary reinforcement from environmental stimuli R. Kumar OriginalPaper Pages: 332 - 338
A possible caudate-cholinergic mechanism in two instrumental conditioned responses Roberto A. Prado-AlcaláJ. Grinberg-ZylberbaunH. Brust-Carmona OriginalPaper Pages: 339 - 346
Intergeneric behavioral differences among methamphetamine treated mice D. RichardsonA. G. KarczmarC. L. Scudder OriginalPaper Pages: 347 - 375
Effect of diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate (DFP) on the somatosensory evoked potentials in rats Vinod Bhargava OriginalPaper Pages: 376 - 379
über die Wirkung einiger Phenothiacine auf das Verhalten von freilebenden Silbermöwen (Larus a. argentatus Pontopp) Manfred Blösch OriginalPaper Pages: 380 - 387