Role of brain amines in learning associated with “amphetamine-state” Mark RoffmanHarbans Lal Original Investigations Pages: 195 - 204
Dose responses and relationships between anticholinergic activity and mood with tricyclic antidepressants B. BlackwellJ. O. LipkinW. V. Boulter OriginalPaper Pages: 205 - 217
Shock-elicited fighting and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol Frederick J. ManningTimothy F. Elsmore OriginalPaper Pages: 218 - 228
Athetoid and choreiform hyperkinesias produced by caudate application of dopamine in cats A. R. Cools OriginalPaper Pages: 229 - 237
State-dependent effects of ethanol on active and passive avoidance learning Frank A. Holloway OriginalPaper Pages: 238 - 261
The effect of methylphenidate (Ritalin) on sustained attention in hyperactive children Donald H. SykesVirginia I. DouglasGert Morgenstern OriginalPaper Pages: 262 - 274
Analgesic activity of δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the rat and mouse D. M. Buxbaum OriginalPaper Pages: 275 - 280
Das klinische Wirkungsbild des Tranquilizers Mepiprazol bei hospitalisierten chronischen Schizophrenen N. GonÇalves OriginalPaper Pages: 281 - 290