The effect of triiodothyronine on the disposition and actions of imipramine George R. BreeseT. Dennis TraylorArthur J. Prange Jr. Original Investigations Pages: 101 - 111
Effects of methaphetamine on well-practiced discrimination conditioning of the eyelid response Paul GendreauD. SherlockMilton D. Suboski OriginalPaper Pages: 112 - 116
Effects of yohimbine on CNS structures: Neurophysiological and behavioral correlations Roberto Guerrero-FigueroaDonald M. GallantMerrill M. Rye OriginalPaper Pages: 133 - 145
Alteration in the sexual behaviour of male and female rats after neonatal administration of p-chlorophenylalanine M. HyyppÄPirkko LampinenPÄivi Lehtinen OriginalPaper Pages: 152 - 161
Clonidine induced intrahypothalamic stimulation of eating in rats C. BroekkampJ. M. van Rossum OriginalPaper Pages: 162 - 168
Comparison of behavioral effects of synthetic (−)δ9-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol and marihuana extract distillate in chimpanzees Douglas P. FerraroDavid K. Billings OriginalPaper Pages: 169 - 174
Effects of intraventriculary injected 6-OH dopamine or midbrain raphe lesion on morphine analgesia in rats R. SamaninS. Bernasconi OriginalPaper Pages: 175 - 182
Failure of ethanol or pentobarbital to suppress fighting in the pit gamecock (Gallus gallus) Richard O. MeineckeArthur Cherkin Preliminary Reports Pages: 189 - 194