Effects of monoamine oxidase inhibitors on the copulatory behavior of male rats Donald A. DewsburyHarry N. Davis Jr.Paul E. Jansen Original Investigations Pages: 209 - 217
The effect of single and multiple lesions of the limbic system on cerebral excitability Martin W. Adler Original Investigations Pages: 218 - 230
The effect of immunosympathectomy on the responses of the mouse to reserpine and various D. T. GreenwoodA. R. Sommerville OriginalPaper Pages: 231 - 237
Physiological disposition of isoergine [from Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Bojer Convolvulaceae] and its effect on the conditioned avoidance response in rats W. H. VogelR. A. CarapellottiA. Der Marderosian OriginalPaper Pages: 238 - 242
Effects of a dopamine (DA)-β-hydroxylase inhibitor on timing behaviour Sven AhleniusJörgen Engel OriginalPaper Pages: 243 - 246
The action of imipramine, amitriptyline, doxepin and butriptyline in an operant conditioning schedule L. MolinengoS. Ricci-Gamalero OriginalPaper Pages: 247 - 257
Adrenergic and serotonergic mechanisms in morphine-induced respiratory depression J. FlórezG. DelgadoJ. A. Armijo OriginalPaper Pages: 258 - 274
Twenty-four hour proactive facilitation of avoidance and discrimination by pentylenetetrazol Richard H. Bauer OriginalPaper Pages: 275 - 295
The effect of amantadine on motor activity and catalepsy in rats Jerzy MajHelena SowińskaLeokadia Baran OriginalPaper Pages: 296 - 307
Magnesium pemoline: Effects of a broad range of doses on water maze performance James E. McCarrollSusan F. Korbel OriginalPaper Pages: 308 - 317
Intrahypothalamic and intrastriatal dopamine and norepinephrine injections in relation to motor hyperactivity in rats O. BenkertB. Köhler OriginalPaper Pages: 318 - 325
Nicotine content of cigarettes and the smoking habit: Their relevance to subjective ratings of preferences in smokers C. Agué Preliminary Reports Pages: 326 - 330