Behavioral effects of phencyclidine on nicotine self-administration and reinstatement in the presence or absence of a visual stimulus in rats Natashia SwalveSteven T. PittengerMing Li Original Investigation 07 April 2015 Pages: 2877 - 2887
Aggression and increased glutamate in the mPFC during withdrawal from intermittent alcohol in outbred mice Lara S. HwaAnna J. NathansonKlaus A. Miczek Original Investigation 22 April 2015 Pages: 2889 - 2902
Glucose and the wandering mind: not paying attention or simply out of fuel? L. H. W. BirnieJ. SmallwoodL. M. Riby Original Investigation 18 April 2015 Pages: 2903 - 2910
Comparing treatment effects of oral THC on simulated and on-the-road driving performance: testing the validity of driving simulator drug research J. L. VeldstraW. M. BoskerK. A. Brookhuis Original Investigation Open access 10 May 2015 Pages: 2911 - 2919
Ozone exposure of Flinders Sensitive Line rats is a rodent translational model of neurobiological oxidative stress with relevance for depression and antidepressant response Mmalebuso L. MokoenaBrian H. HarveyChristiaan B. Brink Original Investigation 17 April 2015 Pages: 2921 - 2938
Effects of marijuana use on prefrontal and parietal volumes and cognition in emerging adults Jenessa S. PriceTim McQueenyKrista M. Lisdahl Original Investigation 30 April 2015 Pages: 2939 - 2950
β-Adrenoceptor blockade modulates fusiform gyrus activity to black versus white faces S. TerbeckG. KahaneR. Norbury Original Investigation Open access 22 April 2015 Pages: 2951 - 2958
Attenuation of cocaine-induced reinstatement of drug seeking in squirrel monkeys by direct and indirect activation of 5-HT2C receptors Daniela Rüedi-BettschenRoger D. SpealmanDonna M. Platt Original Investigation 17 April 2015 Pages: 2959 - 2968
Acute effects of the designer drugs benzylpiperazine (BZP) and trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine (TFMPP) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and the Stroop task—a pilot study Louise E. CurleyRob R. KyddBruce R. Russell Original Investigation 19 April 2015 Pages: 2969 - 2980
Effects of selective estrogen receptor alpha and beta modulators on prepulse inhibition in male mice Marie A. LabouesseWolfgang LanghansUrs Meyer Original Investigation 18 April 2015 Pages: 2981 - 2994
Sex differences in the long-lasting consequences of adolescent ethanol exposure for the rewarding effects of cocaine in mice A Mateos-GarcíaC ManzanedoM. C. Arenas Original Investigation 06 May 2015 Pages: 2995 - 3007
Role of nicotinic receptors in the lateral habenula in the attenuation of amphetamine-induced prepulse inhibition deficits of the acoustic startle response in rats José A. LarrauriDennis A. BurkeEdward D. Levin Original Investigation 28 April 2015 Pages: 3009 - 3017
Role of CB2 receptors in social and aggressive behavior in male mice Marta Rodríguez-AriasFrancisco NavarreteJorge Manzanares Original Investigation 29 April 2015 Pages: 3019 - 3031
Persistent effects of chronic Δ9-THC exposure on motor impulsivity in rats Cristina IrimiaIlham Y. PolisLoren H. Parsons Original Investigation 30 April 2015 Pages: 3033 - 3043
In vivo potency and efficacy of the novel cathinone α-pyrrolidinopentiophenone and 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone: self-administration and locomotor stimulation in male rats Shawn M. AardeKevin M. CreehanMichael A. Taffe Original Investigation 01 May 2015 Pages: 3045 - 3055
Cannabidiol effects in the prepulse inhibition disruption induced by amphetamine J. F. C. PedrazziA. C. IssyE. A. Del-Bel Original Investigation 06 May 2015 Pages: 3057 - 3065
Escalation of cocaine self-administration in adulthood after social defeat of adolescent rats: role of social experience and adaptive coping behavior Andrew R. BurkeKlaus A. Miczek Original Investigation 07 May 2015 Pages: 3067 - 3079
Dinitrobenzene sulphonic acid-induced colitis impairs spatial recognition memory in mice: roles of N-methyl D-aspartate receptors and nitric oxide Mohammad Hadi GharedaghiReza RahimianAhmad Mohammadi-Farani Original Investigation 14 May 2015 Pages: 3081 - 3090
New onset executive function difficulties at menopause: a possible role for lisdexamfetamine C. Neill EppersonSheila ShanmuganThomas E. Brown Original Investigation 11 June 2015 Pages: 3091 - 3100
Exposure to psychotropic medications prior to overdose: a case-control study Yasuyuki OkumuraHisateru TachimoriDaisuke Nishi Original Investigation 12 May 2015 Pages: 3101 - 3109