Mind the mortality gap: the importance of metabolic function in mental illnesses Oliver D. HowesKatherine Beck Commentary 05 September 2013 Pages: 1 - 2
A randomized, 12-week study of the effects of extended-release paliperidone (paliperidone ER) and olanzapine on metabolic profile, weight, insulin resistance, and β-cell function in schizophrenic patients Shaohua HuMingrong YaoYi Xu Original Investigation 05 April 2013 Pages: 3 - 13
The lack of association between components of metabolic syndrome and treatment resistance in depression Marina SagudAlma Mihaljevic-PelesNela Pivac Original Investigation 12 April 2013 Pages: 15 - 21
The effect of reboxetine co-administration with olanzapine on metabolic and endocrine profile in schizophrenia patients Avi Amrami-WeizmanRachel MaayanMichael Poyurovsky Original Investigation 05 July 2013 Pages: 23 - 27
Serotonin depletion counteracts sex differences in anxiety-related behaviour in rat Jakob NäslundErik StuderElias Eriksson Original Investigation 17 May 2013 Pages: 29 - 35
The role of the cholinergic system in the signal attenuation rat model of obsessive-compulsive disorder Yankelevitch-Yahav RoniJoel Daphna Original Investigation 18 May 2013 Pages: 37 - 48
Influence of polymorphisms in genes SLC1A1, GRIN2B, and GRIK2 on clozapine-induced obsessive–compulsive symptoms Jun CaiWen ZhangChen Zhang Original Investigation 10 May 2013 Pages: 49 - 55
Time-dependent effects of haloperidol on glutamine and GABA homeostasis and astrocyte activity in the rat brain Glenn T. KonopaskeNicolas R. BoloJoseph T. Coyle Original Investigation 10 May 2013 Pages: 57 - 67
The association between the catechol-O-methyltransferase Val108/158Met polymorphism and hyperactive–impulsive and inattentive symptoms in youth Matea Nikolac PerkovicEvelyn KiiveNela Pivac Original Investigation 29 May 2013 Pages: 69 - 76
Determination of reliable reference genes for multi-generational gene expression analysis on C. elegans exposed to abused drug nicotine Faten A. TakiBaohong Zhang Original Investigation 17 May 2013 Pages: 77 - 88
Noradrenergic versus dopaminergic modulation of impulsivity, attention and monitoring behaviour in rats performing the stop-signal task A. BariT. W. Robbins Original Investigation Open access 17 May 2013 Pages: 89 - 111
Insights into functional pharmacology of α1 GABAA receptors: how much does partial activation at the benzodiazepine site matter? Srđan JoksimovićZdravko VaragicMiroslav M. Savić Original Investigation 18 May 2013 Pages: 113 - 123
Cocaine potentiates MDMA-induced oxidative stress but not dopaminergic neurotoxicity in mice: implications for the pathogenesis of free radical-induced neurodegenerative disorders Ines PeraileNoelia GranadoEsther O’Shea Original Investigation 17 May 2013 Pages: 125 - 135
The effects of amphetamine sensitization on conditioned inhibition during a Pavlovian–instrumental transfer task in rats Michael W. ShiflettMeaghan RiccieRoseMarie DiMatteo Original Investigation 29 May 2013 Pages: 137 - 147
Erratum to: Mephedrone pharmacokinetics after intravenous and oral administration in rats: relation to pharmacodynamics J. Martínez-ClementeR. López-ArnauE. Escubedo Erratum 17 September 2013 Pages: 149 - 149