Doxepin and amitriptyline-perphenazine in mixed anxious-depressed neurotic outpatients: A collaborative controlled study Karl RickelsJames C. HutchisonWarren G. Case OriginalPaper Pages: 305 - 318
Central effects of atropine upon aversive classical conditioning in rabbits D. DownsC. CardozoG. Zwilling OriginalPaper Pages: 319 - 333
The dose-response effect of amphetamine upon avoidance behaviour in the rat seen as a function of increasing stereotypy Melvin LyonAxel Randrup OriginalPaper Pages: 334 - 347
Effects of atropine sulphate on repeated extinction performance in hippocampectomized rats David M. Warburton OriginalPaper Pages: 348 - 356
Inhibiteurs β-adrénergiques et stéréotypies provoquées par l'amphétamine ou l'apomorphine chez le rat P. SimonR. ChermatJ. R. Boissier OriginalPaper Pages: 357 - 364
Altered metabolism of serotonin in the brain of the rat after chronic ingestion of d-amphetamine José-Luis DíazMatti O. Huttunen OriginalPaper Pages: 365 - 372
Effects of chlordiazepoxide on passive avoidance responses in rats Hiroshi OishiShinkuro IwaharaAkiko Yogi OriginalPaper Pages: 373 - 385
A physiclogical difference in the hippocampus of rats with a low inborn learning ability Iván IzquierdoOtto A. Orsingher OriginalPaper Pages: 386 - 396