Cognitive performance measured on the ascending and descending limb of the blood alcohol curve Ben Morgan JonesArthur Vega Original Investigations Pages: 99 - 114
Behavioural effects of d-amphetamine alone and in combination with antidepressants, antihistamines or other psychotropic drugs in young chicks J. Schrold OriginalPaper Pages: 115 - 124
Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von Chlorpromazin im ZNS von Teleosteern H. Rösner OriginalPaper Pages: 125 - 135
Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von Chlorpromazin im ZNS von Teleosteern H. Rösner OriginalPaper Pages: 136 - 151
Effects of amphetamine on locomotion in mice pretreated with desmethylimipramine, tetrabenazine or both Albert Weissman OriginalPaper Pages: 152 - 159
Effects of yohimbine and mescaline on punished behavior in the rat Vimala H. SethyJ. C. Winter OriginalPaper Pages: 160 - 166
Reduced amphetamine lethality following chronic stress Warren C. SternErnest L. Hartmann OriginalPaper Pages: 167 - 170
Sexual behaviour of adult rats after a single neonatal injection of reserpine Päivi LehtinenM. HyyppäPirkko Lampinen OriginalPaper Pages: 171 - 179
Potentiation of a non-narcotic analgesic, dipyrone, by cholinomimetic drugs Usha G. KamatRatan J. PradhanU. K. Sheth OriginalPaper Pages: 180 - 186
Ontogenic variations in responses to l-DOPA and monoamine receptor-stimulating agents C. KelloggP. Lundborg OriginalPaper Pages: 187 - 200