Radioassay of chlorpromazine and its metabolites in plasma Daniel H. EfronS. Richard HarrisLeo E. Gaudette Original Investigations Pages: 207 - 223
Intrastriatal injection of quaternary butyrophenones and oxypertine: Neuroleptic effect in rats R. FogA. RandrupH. Pakkenberg OriginalPaper Pages: 224 - 230
Effects of alpha-methyl tyrosine and adrenergic blocking agents on the facilitating action of amphetamine and nicotine on learning in rats Otto A. OrsingherSusana Fulginiti OriginalPaper Pages: 231 - 240
Increased aggression and toxicity in grouped male mice treated with tranquilizing benzodiazepines A. GuaitaniF. MarcucciS. Garattini OriginalPaper Pages: 241 - 245
Ethyl alcohol: Blood levels and performance decrements after oral administration to man Frederick R. SidellJohn E. Pless OriginalPaper Pages: 246 - 261
The effect of strychnine administration during development on adult maze learning in the rat II: Drug administration from day 51 to 70 Harman V. S. PeekeBurney J. LeBoeufMichael J. Herz OriginalPaper Pages: 262 - 265
Influence of chlordiazepoxide on paroxysmal EEG activity induced by hippocampal and/or thalamic cobalt foci E. RoldánT. Radil-WeissL. Chocholová OriginalPaper Pages: 266 - 272
The influence of barbiturates on paroxysmal EEG activity induced by hippocampal and/or thalamic cobalt foci E. RoldánT. Radil-WeissL. Chocholová OriginalPaper Pages: 273 - 281
Dose-response and biased set study of an amphetamine and a barbiturate Neil McK. AgnewCarole H. Ernest OriginalPaper Pages: 282 - 296
Extinction of fear II: Effects of chlordiazepoxide and chlorpromazine on fear and exploratory behaviour in rats R. Kumar OriginalPaper Pages: 297 - 312