The effects of chronic administration of ethanol on startle thresholds in rats R. J. GibbinsH. KalantJ. W. Clark OriginalPaper Pages: 95 - 104
Effect of glucose on threshold of intracranial reinforcement Joseph P. Huston OriginalPaper Pages: 105 - 113
Interactions between naloxone and chlorpromazine on behavior under schedule control D. E. McMillan OriginalPaper Pages: 128 - 133
Endogenous depressions with and without disturbances in the 5-hydroxytryptamine metabolism: A biochemical classification? H. M. van PraagJ. Korf OriginalPaper Pages: 148 - 152
A double-blind comparison of dothiepin and amitriptyline for the treatment of depression with anxiety M. S. LipsedgeW. Linford ReesD. J. Pike OriginalPaper Pages: 153 - 162
Extinction of fear I: Effects of amylobarbitone and dexamphetamine given separately and in combination on fear and exploratory behaviour in rats R. Kumar OriginalPaper Pages: 163 - 187
The effect of varying the nicotine content of cigarettes on human smoking behaviour C. D. Frith Preliminary Reports Pages: 188 - 192
A simple and specific screen for benzodiazepine-like drugs B. P. H. Poschel OriginalPaper Pages: 193 - 198
Retarded depression and the dopamine metabolism H. M. van PraagJ. Korf Letters to the Editors Pages: 199 - 203
Preliminary clinical trial with L-DOPA in narcolepsy Lars -M. GunneHans F. LidvallLennart Widén OriginalPaper Pages: 204 - 206