Opposing regulation of the locus coeruleus by corticotropin-releasing factor and opioids Rita J. ValentinoElisabeth Van Bockstaele Review Pages: 331 - 342
A role for the CRF-containing pathway from central nucleus of the amygdala to bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the stress-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking in rats Suzanne ErbNatalina SalmasoJane Stewart Original Investigation Pages: 360 - 365
Development of adult ethanol preference and anxiety as a consequence of neonatal maternal separation in Long Evans rats and reversal with antidepressant treatment Rebecca L. Huot K. ThrivikramanPaul M. Plotsky Original Investigation Pages: 366 - 373
Changes in levels of regional CRF-like-immunoreactivity and plasma corticosterone during protracted drug withdrawal in dependent rats Eric P. ZorrillaGlenn R. ValdezFriedbert Weiss Original Investigation Pages: 374 - 381
Social defeat alters the acquisition of cocaine self-administration in rats: role of individual differences in cocaine-taking behavior M. Kabbaj C. Norton H. Akil Original Investigation Pages: 382 - 387
Repeated social-defeat stress, cocaine or morphine Herbert E. CovingtonKlaus A. Miczek Original Investigation Pages: 388 - 398
Repeated social-defeat stress, cocaine or morphine Herbert E. CovingtonKlaus A. Miczek Erratum Pages: 399 - 399