Effects of scopolamine on shuttle-box avoidance and go-no go discrimination: Response-stimulus relationships, pretreatment baselines, and repeated exposure to drug Giovanna Carro-CiampiGiorgio Bignami Original Investigations Pages: 89 - 105
Der Einfluß von Serotonin und LSD auf die photisch ausgelöste Aktivität des visuellen Cortex der Ratte E. Rebentisch Originalarbeiten Pages: 106 - 117
Sample selection by diagnosis in clinical drug evaluations Myron G. Sandifer Jr.Joseph L. FleissLinda M. Green Original Investigations Pages: 118 - 128
Effect of imipramine, physostigmine and amphetamine on the electrical activity of the brain in the cat Haim DasbergShaul Feldman Original Investigations Pages: 129 - 139
Effect of electroshock on dopamine metabolism in rat brain J. EngelL. C. F. HansonL. -E. Strömbergsson Original Investigations Pages: 140 - 144
Influencing the human indoleamine metabolism by means of a chlorinated amphetamine derivative with antidepressive action (p-Chloro-N-Methylamphetamine) H. M. van PraagJ. KorfT. P. Kits Original Investigations Pages: 145 - 160
The effects of amphetamine on the sleep-wakefulness cycle of developing kittens Akira ShimizuHarold E. Himwich Original Investigations Pages: 161 - 169
Effects of reserpine on brain and liver glycogen levels after pretreatment with pargyline in isolated and aggregated mice A. Klára PfeiferMária Fodor Short Communications Pages: 170 - 173
Biochemical and behavioral effects of magnesium pemoline Arthur YuwilerWilliam GreenoughEdward Geller Short Communications Pages: 174 - 180