Is There a Place for Dietary Fiber Supplements in Weight Management? Michael R. LyonVeronica Kacinik Obesity Treatment (AM Sharma, Section Editor) Open access 13 April 2012 Pages: 59 - 67
Utilization of Temporary Controllable Intragastric Pseudobezoars for the Treatment of Obesity Marlena G. DenevaOrly Yadid-PechtMartin P. Mintchev Obesity Treatment (AM Sharma, Section Editor) 14 March 2012 Pages: 68 - 74
Sleeve Gastrectomy: Procedure, Outcomes, and Complications Richdeep S. GillMichael LaiShahzeer Karmali Obesity Treatment (AM Sharma, Section Editor) 08 March 2012 Pages: 75 - 79
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and the Clinical Management of Obesity Sherry PagotoCarol CurtinMiguel Alonso-Alonso Obesity Treatment (AM Sharma, Section Editor) 07 March 2012 Pages: 80 - 86
The Effectiveness of Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Versus Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy and Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding in Morbidly Obese Individuals Richdeep S. GillJoseph R. LaBossiereShahzeer Karmali Obesity Treatment (AM Sharma, Section Editor) 08 March 2012 Pages: 87 - 90
Learning and Memory Processes and Their Role in Eating: Implications for Limiting Food Intake in Overeaters Suzanne HiggsEric RobinsonMichelle Lee Psychological Issues (M Hetherington, Section Editor) 21 February 2012 Pages: 91 - 98
Goal Priming in Dieters: Recent Insights and Applications Esther K. Papies Psychological Issues (M Hetherington, Section Editor) Open access 28 February 2012 Pages: 99 - 105
Attentional Processing of Food Cues in Overweight and Obese Individuals Ilse M. T. NijsIngmar H. A. Franken Psychological Issues (M Hetherington, Section Editor) Open access 28 March 2012 Pages: 106 - 113
Elaborated Intrusion Theory: A Cognitive-Emotional Theory of Food Craving Jon MayJackie AndradeMarion Hetherington Psychological Issues (M Hetherington, Section Editor) 28 February 2012 Pages: 114 - 121