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Memory & Cognition is a forum for rigorous peer-reviewed research focusing on human memory and learning, broadly defined.

  • An official journal of The Psychonomic Society
  • Provides coverage of human memory, learning, conceptual processes, psycholinguistics, problem solving, thinking, skilled performance, and more.
  • Includes relevant work in the fields of computer simulation, information processing, mathematical psychology, developmental psychology, and experimental social psychology.
  • Welcomes theoretical and empirical papers, reviews, and commentaries
  • Encourages papers that examine cognition in context or papers that combine theories and/or findings from complementary research traditions

Journal Impact Factor
2.2 (2023)
5-year Journal Impact Factor
2.4 (2023)
1,309,153 (2023)

Societies and partnerships

Latest articles

Journal updates

  • Now Accepting New Article Types

    Memory & Cognition is now introducing new Article Types

    Commentary Papers and Review Articles that:

    • Introduce new theoretical ideas, methods, and/or approaches to studying cognitive psychology.
    • Map basic cognitive psychology research onto applied and translational science.
    • Discuss methods and practices for engaging citizens in our scientific pursuits.

    Discussion papers that debate or discuss a specific topic in Cognitive Psychology from multiple perspectives.

    Special Issues and Manuscripts that focus on:

    • Examining cognition in context.
    • Combining complementary theories and/or findings from distinct research traditions.

Journal information

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Abstracted and indexed in
  1. ANVUR
  2. BFI List
  3. Baidu
  5. CNKI
  7. Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences
  8. Dimensions
  9. EBSCO
  10. EMCare
  12. Google Scholar
  13. Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  14. MLA International Bibliography
  15. Medline
  16. Naver
  17. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
  18. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  19. Portico
  20. ProQuest
  21. PsycINFO
  22. Psyndex
  23. SCImago
  24. SCOPUS
  25. Social Science Citation Index
  26. TD Net Discovery Service
  27. UGC-CARE List (India)
  28. Wanfang
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© The Psychonomic Society, Inc.
