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Intensive Care Medicine - Open Access sister journal I

ICMx - a sister journal to ICM published in partnership with ESICM

ICMx Cover

Intensive Care Medicine Experimental (ICMx) is an open access journal specifically dedicated to translational research, aimed at bringing discoveries, potential novel treatments and improved diagnostics closer to the bedside of a critically ill patient. As such, ICMx is uniquely positioned at the intersection of clinical and basic science with a primary focus on critical care medicine. ICMx is intended for all those involved in research aimed at improving care of the critically ill.

ICMx aims at publishing research aspiring to: 1) advance understanding of mechanisms of critical illness, 2) support or enhance clinical trial design, 3) test experimental novel treatment interventions, 4) develop or refine experimental models that are relevant to critical care conditions.

ICMx welcomes original studies, reviews, hypothesis papers and state-of-the-art methodology papers. We also encourage correspondence pertinent to the works published in ICMx. Editorial comments will be solicited.
