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Official Scholarly Journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists

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Wetlands - SWS

Society of Wetland Scientists

The Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) is an international organization dedicated to fostering sound wetland science, education, and management.

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- Access to the society journal Wetlands
- Free online access to the Springer journal Wetlands Ecology and Management
- Free access to Wetlands Science and Practice
- Reduced conference rates
- Potential access to student and other awards
- Access to membership and activities of the six Special Interest Sections (RAMSAR, Women in Wetlands, Peatlands, Global Change Ecology, Biogeochemistry, Wildlife)

Not yet a member? Click here to learn how to join today!

Promoting Understanding and Sustainable Use
The mission of the Society of Wetland Scientists is to promote understanding, scientifically based management, and sustainable use of wetlands.

Society of Wetland Scientists
