The scope of a pressure chamber in surgery and anaesthesia H. H. Pinkerton OriginalPaper Pages: 389 - 398
A comparative study of eleven anti-emetic drugs in dogs Gordon M. Wyant OriginalPaper Pages: 399 - 407
Succinylcholine-induced bradycardia with reference to methoxyflurane anaesthesia J. W. R. Mcintyre OriginalPaper Pages: 408 - 413
Methoxyflurane In Obstetrical Anaesthesia And Analgesia A. RomagnoliD. Korman OriginalPaper Pages: 414 - 418
Trifluoroethylvinyl ether (Fluroxene, Fliuoromar®) in Obstetrics Elizabeth M. MartinJerry N. Bosnak OriginalPaper Pages: 419 - 423
A clinical study of methyl-iv-propyl ether (Neothyl®) Ellice A. Parmenter OriginalPaper Pages: 424 - 432
The cardiac effect of epinephrine during anaesthesia in hyperthyroid dogs Jacob S. IsraelPeter H. BylesAllen B. Dobkin OriginalPaper Pages: 437 - 442
Briefto the Royal Commission On Health Servicessubmitted by The Canadian Anaesthetists’ Society Summary and Recommendations OriginalPaper Pages: 450 - 454
Memoiresoumis à La commission royale sur les services de santepar la societe canadienne des anesthesistes Résumé et Suggestions OriginalPaper Pages: 455 - 457