The effects of white sound and music upon the superficial pain threshold J. G. RobsonHarold T. Davenport OriginalPaper Pages: 105 - 108
Peripheral blood flow and its modification by peridural sympathetic block E. S. RussellD. L WilsonK. Sawrey OriginalPaper Pages: 112 - 120
Evaluation of phenazocine in postoperative patients J. E. YorkS. M. CampbellR. A. Gordon OriginalPaper Pages: 121 - 124
The effect of sympathetic blockade or hyperventilation on epinephrine-induced cardiac arrhythmias during anaesthesia with halothane and methoxyflurane Jacob S. IsraelAllen B. DobkinHenry J. Robidoux OriginalPaper Pages: 125 - 130
A comparative study of five analgesics A. F. PasquetF. MacdonaldWm. James OriginalPaper Pages: 131 - 142
Continuous epidural analgesia for labour and delivery J. S. NielsenW. E. SpoerelP. R. Clancy OriginalPaper Pages: 143 - 152
Analgesic and. anaesthetic properties of levomepromazine (nozina®) (r.p.7044) Bernard Paradis OriginalPaper Pages: 153 - 160