Anaesthesia for surgical correction of vascular ring Thomas J. McCaughey OriginalPaper Pages: 433 - 448
Studies with intra-arterial succinylcholine and its hydrolysis products John C. RobertsDavid M. Little OriginalPaper Pages: 449 - 457
Experimental studies on the fate of decamethontium B. GiovanellaC. ManniG. Moricca† OriginalPaper Pages: 458 - 467
The prevention of shock following extracorporeal circulation and hypothermia Walter Zingg OriginalPaper Pages: 468 - 476
Methoxyflurane (penthrane): a laboratory and clinical study Gordon M. WyantChung Ai ChangEmanuele Rapicavoli OriginalPaper Pages: 477 - 487
Blood transfusion reactions during anaesthesia; a clinical study Leonard C. JenkinsHorace B. Graves OriginalPaper Pages: 492 - 500
Continuous epidural anaesthesia in multiple fractures of the ribs Maurice Trahan OriginalPaper Pages: 512 - 515