Clinical evaluation of cervicothoracic sympathetic nerve block in the management of burns of the hands Stefano BrenaMichele BoccaDavide Mono OriginalPaper Pages: 216 - 221
Remote control general bronchographic technique in infants and children Guy FortinAndré MackayRoger Mathieu OriginalPaper Pages: 222 - 238
The anaesthetist’s role in open heart surgery W. A. DoddsH. B. GravesG. E. Sleath OriginalPaper Pages: 239 - 246
Halothane (fluothane) anaesthesia for paediatric cardiac surqery Cyril TaylorV. K. Stoelting OriginalPaper Pages: 247 - 256
Potentiation of thiopental anaesthesia: wlith tigan®, panectyl®, benadryl®, gravol®, marzine®, histadyl®, librium®, and haloperidol (R 1625) Allen B. Dobkin OriginalPaper Pages: 265 - 269
The significance and treatment of hypertension during anaesthesia J. W. R. Mcintyre OriginalPaper Pages: 276 - 280
Halothane-air anaesthesia using the “pulmotec” apparatus preliminary report Hugh H. Macartney OriginalPaper Pages: 281 - 286