The LMA, laparoscopic surgery and the obese patient — Canvs should Richard M. Cooper Editorials Pages: 5 - 10
Best evidence in anesthetic practice Prevention: Dimenhydrinate prevents postoperative nausea and vomiting D. Norman BuckleyM. R. Tramèr OriginalPaper Pages: 11 - 13
Desmopressin does not decrease blood loss and transfusion requirements in patients undergoing hepatectomy Andrew Y. C. WongMichael G. IrwinEdmond S. K. Ma OriginalPaper Pages: 14 - 20
Herbal medicine use is frequent in ambulatory surgery patients in Vancouver Canada Pamela H. LennoxCynthia L. Henderson OriginalPaper Pages: 21 - 25
A sevoflurane induction of anesthesia with gradual reduction of concentration is well tolerated in elderly patients Shigeki YamaguchiTomohito IkedaToshimitsu Kitajima OriginalPaper Pages: 26 - 31
Fentanyl-induced rigidity during emergence from general anesthesia potentiated by venlafexine Sébastien RoyLouis-Philippe Fortier OriginalPaper Pages: 32 - 35
Successful use of iv diltiazem to control perioperative refractory complex atrial tachyarrhythmias in a patient with pneumoconiosis Chi-Hsiang TsouChern-En ChiangHsiang-Ning Luk OriginalPaper Pages: 36 - 41
Trends in opioid use for chronic neuropathic pain: a survey of patients pursuing enrollment in clinical trials Ian GilronJoan M. Bailey OriginalPaper Pages: 42 - 47
Tramadol 2.5 mg·kg−1 appears to be the optimal intraoperative loading dose before patient-controlled analgesia Wei-Wu PangHurng-Sheng WuChien-Chiung Tung OriginalPaper Pages: 48 - 51
Sciatic nerve blockade in the supine position: a novel approach Pierre PandinArlette VandesteeneAlain D’Hollander Regional Anesthesia and Pain Pages: 52 - 56
Continuous interscalene brachial plexus blockade provides good analgesia at home after major shoulder surgery-report of four cases Karen C. NielsenRoy A. GreengrassSusan M. Steele Regional Anesthesia and Pain Pages: 57 - 61
Successful resuscitation of serious bupivacaine intoxication in a patient with pre-existing heart failure Jean-Christophe FavierManuel Da ConceiçaoRaphaël Pitti Regional Anesthesia and Pain Pages: 62 - 66
The effect of isoflurane 0.6% on respiratory mechanics in anesthetized-paralyzed humans is not increased at concentrations of 0.9% and 1.2% Pedro RuizDaniel Chartrand Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, Respiration and Airway Pages: 67 - 70
LMA-Classic™ and LMA-ProSeal™ are effective alternatives to endotracheal intubation for gynecologic laparoscopy J. Roger MaltbyMichael T. BeriaultGordon H. Fick Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, Respiration and Airway Pages: 71 - 77
Protection from aspiration with the LMA-ProSeal™ after vomiting: a case report David A. Mark Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, Respiration and Airway Pages: 78 - 80
Predicting difficult orotracheal intubation in pharyngo-laryngeal disease: preliminary results of a composite index M. Angeles AyusoXavier SalaJoan M. Carbó Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, Respiration and Airway Pages: 81 - 85
Noxious stimuli do not modify myogenic motor evoked potentials by electrical stimulation during anesthesia with propofol-based anesthesia Satoki InoueMasahiko KawaguchiToshisuke Sakaki Neuroanesthesia and Intensive Care Pages: 86 - 91
Therapy of chronic non-malignant pain with opioids Alexander J. ClarkMary E. Lynch Correspondence Pages: 92 - 92
Erroneous connection of the fresh gas flow to the anesthesia circuit John S. McLeanPatricia HoustonRobert Dumais Correspondence Pages: 93 - 93
Dopamine for renal protection Wolfgang H. MaleckSwen N. PiperKatharina P. Koetter Correspondence Pages: 93 - 94
Accidental intravascular injection of levobupivacaine and lidocaine during the transarterial approach to the axillary brachial plexus Humayon KhanPeter G. Atanassoff Correspondence Pages: 95 - 95
Skin analgesia with lidocaine tape prior to epidural blockade Kazuya SobueTakako TsudaHirotada Katsuya Correspondence Pages: 95 - 96