A clinical and laboratory evaluation of four fluothane vaporizers Iain M MacKayWerner Kalow OriginalPaper Pages: 248 - 261
Sodium methitural: a clinical study Gordon M. WyantChung Ai ChangGeordis M. Aasheim OriginalPaper Pages: 262 - 273
Vomiting, regurgitation and aspiration in anaesthesia, i. Brian M. MarshallR. A. Gordon OriginalPaper Pages: 274 - 281
Epidural blockade and circulating catechol amine levels in a child with phaeochromocytoma P. R. BromageR. A. Millar OriginalPaper Pages: 282 - 287
Evaluation of a ventilator with fixed volume control and variable regulated pressure Allen B. Dobkin OriginalPaper Pages: 288 - 322
Therapeutic thymectomy the intensive postoperative care of the severe myasthenic patient J. H. HarlandC. R. Stephen OriginalPaper Pages: 323 - 329
The use of the cuirass respirator during laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy under general anaesthesia G. E. SleathH. B. Graves OriginalPaper Pages: 330 - 336
The effect of chlorpromazine on pul monary and systemic arterial pressure in pogs A K. BradshawRobert S. FraserJ. W. R. McIntyre OriginalPaper Pages: 337 - 340
Pulmonary emphysema and associated problems in anaesthesia. a review E. N. HughesR. E. Simpson OriginalPaper Pages: 341 - 354
Cardiac arrest during induced hypotension. case reports S. L. Vandewater OriginalPaper Pages: 355 - 357