Complications of regional blocks: what do we really know? David L. Brown Refresher Course Outline Pages: R10 - R17
Adverse outcomes in ambulatory anesthesia Frances ChungGabor Mezei Refresher Course Outline Pages: R18 - R34
Management of the severely head injured patient Andrew J. Baker Refresher Course Outline Pages: R35 - R45
The prevention and treatment of cerebral ischemia William L. Lanier Refresher Course Outline Pages: R46 - R56
Death in the ICU —the Halifax experience Richard I. HallPatrick J. DuncanGraeme Rocker Refresher Course Outline Pages: R57 - R69
Perioperative factors influencing surgical morbidity: what the anesthesiologist needs to know F. Carli Referesher Course Outline Pages: R70 - R79
Management of controversies in obstetric anesthesia Alison Macarthur Refresher Course Outline Pages: R111 - R121
Practical pharmacokinetics as applied to our daily anesthesia practice Pierre Fiset Refresher Course Outline Pages: R122 - R130
Risks and benefits of the practice of anesthesiology Peter G. Duncan Refresher Course Outline Pages: R131 - R144
Anemia, hypoxia and hypercapnia thresholds. Lessons from physiological limits in critically ill patients Brian P. Kavanagh Refresher Course Outline Pages: R145 - R155