The use of trifluoroethyl vinyl ether (fluoromar®) in anaesthesia for dentistry Harry M. Slater OriginalPaper Pages: 5 - 12
Anaesthetic aspect of thymectomy for myasthenia gravis Jone ChangJohn H. HarlandH. B. Graves OriginalPaper Pages: 13 - 20
The effect of buthalitone sodium (transithal®) on liver and kidney function in man Gordon M. WyantAllen B. dobkinChristopher J. kilduff OriginalPaper Pages: 21 - 26
Clinical evaluation of methyprylon (noludar®) + as a preanaesthetic sedative hypnotic Allen B. DobkinGordon M. WyantFrank Dyck OriginalPaper Pages: 27 - 36
Two years’ experience using the phenqthiazine amine derivatives in anaesthesia and artificial hibernation with special mention of the new derivative “pacatal” Gérard Mignault OriginalPaper Pages: 37 - 42
Neraval® (methitural sodium) (SCH. 3132) Jacques HoudeF. HudonAndré Jacques OriginalPaper Pages: 43 - 46
Le neraval (methitural sodium) (sch. 3132) Jacques HoudeF. HudonAndré Jacques OriginalPaper Pages: 47 - 51
Neraval sodiumê: A clinical investigation Shirley A. FlemingJ G Robinson OriginalPaper Pages: 52 - 54
La voie veineuse sous-claviere en anesthesie M. Keéri-SzántóGuy FortinAndré Rioux OriginalPaper Pages: 55 - 59
Pharmacologic hibernation in lung surgery for the tuberculous patient J. P Dechêne OriginalPaper Pages: 60 - 65