Regional anaesthesia: complications and techniques Brendan T. Finucane Referesher Course Outline Pages: R3 - R16
Coagulation abnormalities and obstetric anaesthesia M. Joanne Douglas Referesher Course Outline Pages: R17 - R25
Perioperative management of the asthmatic patient Carol A. Hirshman Referesher Course Outline Pages: R26 - R38
Transport d’oxygène chez le malade grave Jean -Louis Vincent Notes de Cours de Revue Pages: R39 - R47
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for the clinician Donald R. Stanski Referesher Course Outline Pages: R48 - R59
Acute spinal cord injury: monitoring and anaesthetic implications Arthur M. Lam Referesher Course Outline Pages: R60 - R73
Monitorage du fœtus et réanimation du nouveau-né: ce que l’anesthésiste doit savoir Joanne Guay Notes de Cours de Revue Pages: R74 - R88
Monitoring, new drugs, and reversal of neuromuscular blocking drugs David R. Bevan Referesher Course Outline Pages: R89 - R97
Risques de transmission de l’hépatite et du SIDA pour l’anesthésiste et son patient Claude A. Trépanier Notes de Cours de Revue Pages: R98 - R104
Anaesthesia for the neonate Robert K. CroneGregory K. SorensenRosemary J. Orr Referesher Course Outline Pages: R105 - R125
Anaesthesia outside the operating room Pirjo H. Manninen Referesher Course Outline Pages: R126 - R133
Preoperative evaluation of the cardiac patient for noncardiac surgery Paul G. Barash Referesher Course Outline Pages: R134 - R144