Cerebrospinal norepinephrine concentrations and the duration of epidural analgesia Fumio GotoNao FujitaTatsushi Fujita OriginalPaper Pages: 839 - 843
Cardiovascular response of a continuous variable rate alfentanil infusion for abdominal aortic surgery Donald R. MillerRaymond J. MartineauAdrien G. Bouchard OriginalPaper Pages: 844 - 851
Pharmacokinetics of sufentanil in the elderly surgical patient Richard S. MatteoArthur E. SchwartzWinjing Chang OriginalPaper Pages: 852 - 856
Oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate for premedication in paediatric outpatients Michael A. AshburnJames B. StreisandTheodore H. Stanley OriginalPaper Pages: 857 - 866
Epidural anaesthesia attenuates the catecholamine response to hypoventilation Rom A. StevensPaul J. LineberryLarry W. Cress OriginalPaper Pages: 867 - 872
Halothane anaesthesia does not modify the cardiovascular response to phenylephrine in man Daniel F. GrumShafik S. Azmy OriginalPaper Pages: 873 - 877
Plasma concentrations of ropivacaine given with or without epinephrine for brachial plexus block Rosemary HickeyJanna BlanchardSomayaji Ramamurthy OriginalPaper Pages: 878 - 882
Alpha1-acid glycoprotein and the binding of lidocaine in children with congenital heart disease Frederick A. BurrowsJerrold LermanH. Andrew Strong OriginalPaper Pages: 883 - 888
The upgrading and replacement of anaesthetic equipment: a provincial approach Robert M. FriesenGill HattonJanet Bjornson Occasional Review Pages: 889 - 895
The stomach: Factors of importance to the anaesthetist J. M. DaviesJoseph S. DavisonJ. R. Maltby Symposium Report Pages: 896 - 897
Pharmacology of agents that affect gastric secretion, emptying and vomiting Symposium Report Pages: 898 - 900
Regurgitation and aspiration in the non-pregnant patient: pathophysiology, incidence, and prophylaxis Symposium Report Pages: 900 - 903
Regurgitation and aspiration in the pregnant patient: pathophysiology, incidence, and prophylaxis Symposium Report Pages: 903 - 904
The shortened fluid fast and the Canadian Anaesthetists’ Society’s new guidelines for fasting in elective/ emergency patients Symposium Report Pages: 905 - 906
Post-cannulation radial artery aneurysm — a rare complication Richard F. McEllistremDavid P. O’ToolePadraig Keane Clinical Reports Pages: 907 - 909
Amyloidosis associated bleeding diatheses in the surgical patient Alan R. MizutaniC. F. Ward Clinical Reports Pages: 910 - 912
Crico-tracheal disruption and common carotid artery occlusion: a case of blunt trauma Donald OxornKevin Clark Clinical Reports Pages: 913 - 915
In vitro effects of fluoride and bromide on pseudocholinesterase and acetylcholinesterase activities Jay R. KambamWinston C. V. ParrisB. V. Rama Sastry OriginalPaper Pages: 916 - 919
Nicardipine reduces the cardio-respiratory toxicity of intravenously administered bupivacaine in rats Fumiko MatsudaWesley W. KinneyJ. Reddy Kambam OriginalPaper Pages: 920 - 923
Re-evaluation of the Farman entrainer in a low-pressure system for field anaesthesia W. A. TweedRoshna AmatyaW. E. Spoerel OriginalPaper Pages: 924 - 927
A low-pressure portable anaesthesia system for field use: clinical trials W. A. TweedRoshna AmatyaW. E. Spoerel OriginalPaper Pages: 928 - 931
Regional anaesthesia for 12,000 cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation procedures M. BelopavlovicL. J. Blanksma Correspondence Pages: 943 - 943
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome Kazuo IritaMichiko SatohJunichi Yoshitake Correspondence Pages: 944 - 944
Neuromuscular blocking agents used with antibiotics Maurice LippmannDora HsuElaine Yang Correspondence Pages: 945 - 945
Anaphylactoid reactions following propofol-atracurium sequence Charles H. McLeskey Correspondence Pages: 946 - 946
Low-dose intrathecal meperidine for lower limb orthopaedic surgery Ketan Shevde Correspondence Pages: 947 - 948
Intra-and postoperative management of craniosynostosis R. ImbertiD. LocatelliI. Preseglio Correspondence Pages: 948 - 949
Triple lumen catheter: a potential hazard Liette IsabelJean-Pierre Baribault Correspondence Pages: 950 - 950
Staff specialist anaesthetist Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Central Sydney Health Service New South Wales, Australia Announcement Pages: xxvii - xxvii