Hypoxic gas mixtures delivered by anaesthetic machines equipped with a downstream oxygen flowmeter D. C. ChungQ. -C. JingJ. Strupat OriginalPaper Pages: 527 - 530
The effect of halothane with nitrous oxide on baroreflex control of heart rate in man P. C. DukeS. Trosky OriginalPaper Pages: 531 - 534
ß-endorphin induces general anaesthesia by an interaction with opiate receptors V. HavlicekF. S. LaBellaR. Childiaeva OriginalPaper Pages: 535 - 539
Modification of chronotropic response to anticholinergics by halogenated anaesthetics in children Satwant K. SamraPeter J. Cohen OriginalPaper Pages: 540 - 545
Comparison of the calming and sedative effects of nalbuphine and pentazocine for paediatric premedication Lucida RitaFrank SelenyMashallah Goodarzi OriginalPaper Pages: 546 - 549
Blood viscosity and the overnight fast H. B. AronsonTifha HorneJ. T. Davidson OriginalPaper Pages: 550 - 552
Comparison of bupivacaine and lidocaine for intravenous regional analgesia A. C. EnrightG. G. SmithG. M. Wyant OriginalPaper Pages: 553 - 555
Effect of anaesthesia and surgery on endocrine function in elderly patients T. OyamaK. TaniguchiM. Kudo OriginalPaper Pages: 556 - 559
Plasma levels and cardiovascular effects of nitroglycerin in pregnant sheep M. de RosayroM. L. NahrwoldM. M. Kirsh OriginalPaper Pages: 560 - 564
Anaesthetic management for successful separation of tripusischiopagal conjoined male twins Chi-Ching ChaoLuciano SusetioWing-Fai Kwan OriginalPaper Pages: 565 - 571
Time required and success rate of percutaneous right atrial catheterization: Description of a technique Roy F. CucchiaraJoseph M. MessickJohn D. Michenfelder OriginalPaper Pages: 572 - 573
Difficult intubation associated with the foetal alcohol syndrome Brendan T. Finucane OriginalPaper Pages: 574 - 575
Surdosage accidentel en alfatesine chez un enfant polymalforme G. BoulardG. MietM. Sabathie OriginalPaper Pages: 576 - 577
Methohexitone or etomidate for induction of dental anaesthesia Harsha BoralessaAnita Holdcroft OriginalPaper Pages: 578 - 583
La visite pre-operatoire en chirurgie cardio-vasculaire Bernard PaiementJean-Guy MailléIhor Dyrda OriginalPaper Pages: 584 - 593
Canadian anaesthetists’ society prize prix de la societe canadienne des anesthesistes Announcement Pages: 600 - 600
Canadian anaesthetists’society annual meeting Halifax, june 14-17, 1981 Announcement Pages: 608 - 610