Cerebral salvage in near-drowning following neurological classification by triage A. W. ConnJ. E. MontesJ. F. Edmonds OriginalPaper Pages: 201 - 210
Near-drowning: Correlation of level of consciousness and survival J. H. ModellS. A. GravesE. J. Kuck OriginalPaper Pages: 211 - 215
Pulmonary embolism distribution to ventilated and unventilated lungs in the dog: A cause of hypoxaemia Yahaya Z. KadiriJ. Colin KayWilliam H. Noble OriginalPaper Pages: 216 - 222
Haemodynamic and biochemical variables after induction of anaesthesia with fentanyl and nitrous oxide in patients undergoing coronary artery by-pass surgery O. PrakashP. D. VerdouwP. R. Saxena OriginalPaper Pages: 223 - 229
Changes in myocardial oxygen consumption, efficiency and haemodynamics when systemic pressure is increased during morphine and added halothane anaesthesia in dogs Philip L. WilkinsonJohn V. TybergAnne E. White OriginalPaper Pages: 230 - 237
Myocardial damage in coronary artery bypass surgical patients anaesthetized with two anaesthetic techniques: a random comparison of halothane and enflurane J. G. RevesPaul N. SamuelsonMichael R. Carter OriginalPaper Pages: 238 - 247
The anaesthetic management of preterm infants undergoing ligation of patent ductus arteriosus George G. NeumanDolly D. Hansen OriginalPaper Pages: 248 - 253
Vasodilator therapy after cardiac surgery: a review of the efficacy and toxicity of nitroglycerin and nitroprusside Joel A. KaplanDonald C. FinlaysonScott Woodward OriginalPaper Pages: 254 - 259
Anaesthetic management of a patient with carcinoid tumor undergoing myocardial revascularization Kita D. PatelFazleali Y. Dalal OriginalPaper Pages: 260 - 263
The combined effect of hyperventilation and hypotension on cerebral oxygenation in anaesthetized dogs Richard M. LevinMartin E. ZadigianSteven C. Hall OriginalPaper Pages: 264 - 273
Lumbar epidural anaesthesia and sensory profiles in term pregnant patients Teruel de CampoMaximo Macias-LozaAnibal Galindo OriginalPaper Pages: 274 - 278
Severe muscular rigidity at birth: malignant hyperthermia syndrome? K. SewallR. M. M. FlowerdewP. Bromberger OriginalPaper Pages: 279 - 282
Suxamethonium-induced jaw stiffness and myalgia associated with atypical cholinesterase: case report R. MelvollJ. StovnerM. Whittaker OriginalPaper Pages: 283 - 285
Surgical stimulation does not enhance ventilatory chemoreflexes during enflurane anaesthesia in man A. M. LamJ. L. ClementR. L. Knill Erratum Pages: 308 - 308
Reduction of post-operative vomiting by preoperative administration of oral metoclopramide M. J. DiamondM. Keeri-Szanto OriginalPaper Pages: 308 - 308