A study of anaesthesia depth by power spectral analysis of the electroencephalogram (EEG) J. L. BerezowskyjJ. A. McEwenL. C. Jenkins OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 8
Complications of radial artery lines in the paediatric patient Katsuyuki MiyasakaJ. F. EdmondsA. W. Conn OriginalPaper Pages: 9 - 14
Patterns of total and ionized calcium and other electrolytes in plasma during and after general surgery R. RodriguezR. R. JonesE. A. Moffitt OriginalPaper Pages: 15 - 21
Alphadione (althesin®): A new induction agent M. G. SolimanG. F. Brindle OriginalPaper Pages: 30 - 35
Studies on fazadinium bromide (AH 8165): A new non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent R. HughesJ. P. PayneN. Sugai OriginalPaper Pages: 36 - 47
The effects of furosemide on renal blood flow and cortical perfusion during methoxyflurane and halothane anaesthesia Kenneth M. LeightonCaroline BruceRichard Machin OriginalPaper Pages: 48 - 57
The effects of morphine and halothane anaesthesia on urine norepinephrine during surgery for congenital heart disease Theodore H. StanleyWen-Shin LiuGeorge D. Lathrop OriginalPaper Pages: 58 - 70
A comparison of the effects of halothane and other anaesthetic agents on hepato-cellular function in patients submitted to elective operations B. KalowE. RogomanF. H. Sims OriginalPaper Pages: 71 - 79
Duration of action of neostigmine in man Casey D. BlittB. J. MoonC. Dean Kartchner OriginalPaper Pages: 80 - 84