“A Spoonful of sugar” — Trans-alveolar nutrition J. R. HewsonA. J. C. Holland OriginalPaper Pages: 539 - 546
A Sudden death associated with the use of sodium nitroprusside for induction of hypotension during anaesthesia David W. DaviesDezso KadarIan R. Munro OriginalPaper Pages: 547 - 552
Sodium nitroprusside in children: Observations on metabolism during normal and abnormal responses D. W. DaviesLeila GreissD. J. Steward OriginalPaper Pages: 553 - 560
Some pharmacological properties of althesin (CT1341) in man Charles E. HopeT. W. WilsonGordon M. Wyant OriginalPaper Pages: 572 - 586
The effects of althesin on arterial pressure, pulse rate preganglionic sympathetic activity and barostatic reflexes in cats Sanguan SapthavichaikulKaj WisborgPer Skovsted OriginalPaper Pages: 587 - 600
Percutaneous transtracheal ventilation for anaesthesia and resuscitation: A review and report of complications R. Brian SmithWalter Beat SchaerHugo Pfaeffle ReviewPaper Pages: 607 - 612
Anaesthetic complications in surgical out-patients G. Fred BrindleMagdi G. Soliman OriginalPaper Pages: 613 - 619
Visual disturbances during transurethral resection of the prostate Ray J. DéfalqueDennis W. Miller OriginalPaper Pages: 620 - 621