Complications during neurosurgery in the prone position in children H. W. MeridyR. E. CreightonR. P. Humphreys OriginalPaper Pages: 445 - 453
Periodic analysis of mixed venous oxygen tension to monitor the adequacy of perfusion during and after cardiopulmonary bypass Theodore H. StanleyJesus Isern-Amahal OriginalPaper Pages: 454 - 460
Influence of induction agent on pulmonary venous admixture during halothane: Oxygen anaesthesia with controlled respiration in man Bryan E. MarshallDoreen A. HoffmanEthan T. Colton OriginalPaper Pages: 461 - 466
Intubation under topical supra-glottic analgesia in unpremedicated and non-fasting patients: Amnesic effects of sub-hypnotic doses of diazepam and innovar® A. A. d’HollanderE. MontenyJ. Dubois-Primo OriginalPaper Pages: 467 - 474
Ketamine with pancuronium for induction of anaesthesia J. W. R. McIntyreD. DobsonG. Aitken OriginalPaper Pages: 475 - 481
Total peripheral resistance and diastolic blood flow P. J. TomlinF. A. Duck OriginalPaper Pages: 482 - 494
An outbreak of streptococcal wound sepsis: Contamination of the wound during operation J. PortnoyJ. MendelsonI. Shragovitch OriginalPaper Pages: 498 - 502
Anaesthesia with profound hypothermia in a case of transposition of the great vessels with renal failure K. W. TurnbullW. A. DoddsG. R. Avery OriginalPaper Pages: 503 - 505
Control of post-anaesthetic shivering Shirley T. LiemJ. Antonio Aldrete OriginalPaper Pages: 506 - 510
A hazard connected with re-use of the bain’s circuit: a case report R. HannallahJ. K. Rosales OriginalPaper Pages: 511 - 513